The Peter Drucker Global Essay Challenge 2021 for Students & Young Entrepreneurs info.

The Peter Drucker Global Essay Challenge 2021 for Students & Young Entrepreneurs. The Drucker Challenge is an international essay competition held annually by the Drucker Society Europe, in conjunction with the Drucker Forum. The Challenge explores a current topic in management – typically related to the theme of the Forum – in the context of Peter Drucker’s human-oriented management philosophy. Topic: WHAT CRISIS DEMANDS OF THE MANAGER About : Your essay should share an insight – based on your experience as manager, entrepreneur or student, or on the observation of an institution you know well – about responding effectively to crisis.What manager or (educational) institution did you see having positive impact? How, and in what way? As you describe their decision-making or behavior, you might also engage with other questions: Why is it hard for others to do the same in similar situations? Is it a matter of traits or training? How could managers be better developed in “normal” times...