4th NCDMB annual National Undergraduate essay COMPETITION info

4th NCDMB annual National Undergraduate essay COMPETITION The NCDMB, annual National Undergraduate essay competition is sponsored by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) to promote academic excellence and Nigerian Content to encourage the youths to build local capacities and competencies for effective participation in Nigeria's Oil and Gas industry. 2020 essay TOPIC: Research and Development as key lever for local Content implementation in Nigeria's Oil and Gas industry. Contest Rules: ✅ The contest is open only to 100-200 level students in public and private Universities, Polytechnic and College of Education in Nigeria. ✅ Entrants must submit either a letter of admission or a signed letter of attestation from his/her Head of Department (HOD) ✅ All essays must be original works specifically written for the competition. ✅ Co-authorship of essay is not permitted ✅ Entrants are to submit only one entry ✅ Completed manuscript and accom...