Do you have a passion for research and interested in the health aspects of violence and human rights with a dream of being published in an academic journal?

If Yes, the Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize 2020-2021 is the right essay for you.

Titles for the Essay Competition

1. It has been asserted in The Economist that Xi Jinping’s commitment to a carbon-neutral China by 2060 is an effort to boost the country’s image after being “stung by international criticism of its earlier handling of the pandemic”. The US, under the Trump administration, has withdrawn from the Paris climate accord and has tragically failed in its response to Covid-19. To what extent have the international politics of Covid-19 and the politics of climate change intersected? How might the pandemic change the way world leaders approach climate action?

2. In September 2020 the World Health Organization called for ‘equitable access to COVID-19 tools’ which included ‘the development, production and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines globally, while strengthening health systems’. What evidence is there of inequity of access so far in this pandemic? What is the role of national governments and of the WHO in this?

3. What are the impacts of recruitment by ‘developed’ countries of health professionals from less-developed countries? How might the negative impacts be mitigated?

4. What would you regard as the main advantages and disadvantages of meeting some of the costs of tackling the pandemic from defense and homeland security budgets, including nuclear.

5, What does the global response to COVID-19 tell us about the possibilities of effective international cooperation in global health more generally?


The closing date for entries is 17.00 on 31 January 2021.


The competition is open to all students, including those completing their studies in 2020.

Competition Details:

The word limit is 2500 and essays should be submitted in Word. The essay should be fully referenced, using the Chicago Author-Date system. Entries must not have been previously published elsewhere.


First prize: £500,

Three second prizes: £300;

Winners will also receive a year’s subscription to MCS.

The winning entries may be selected by the editors for publication in MCS.


E-mail your entry with a completed entry form to: essay-prize@medconfsurv.org

Application form 

For the APPLICATION FORM and for any queries, please contact: essay-prize@medconfsurv.org

For more information please visit: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/journal-prize-holdstock-piachaud-student-essay-prize/https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/journal-prize-holdstock-piachaud-student-essay-prize/
